Effective Bid Writing for Schools - November 2024

A half day, online masterclass for schools and multi-academy trusts. An interactive and highly informative workshop designed to inspire, motivate and support schools who are looking to identify and attract grant funds.


Take a look at the video below that briefly outlines what to expect from this masterclass.

We will debunk the myths surrounding grant funding, hear from the funders themselves on what they're looking for from school applicants, and really get to grips with those things that can help your application stand out from all the others.

Key outcomes include:

  • Learning how to locate and select suitable grant and trust funds
  • How to craft a compelling story and write an application
  • Understanding how other income generation activities in school add value to our bids
  • Developing a sense of what great evidence looks like, how to gather it and present it to potential funders
  • Adding value to applications using digital media, surveys, pilot projects and more
  • Learning from successful school applications and hearing from funders on their expectations

Those attending this masterclass will receive access to a recording of the session, invaluable resources including use of an online grants database and a masterclass completion certificate for their CPD records.

You'll not only gain insight and develop new skills but, just as importantly, you'll feel more confident and purposeful when leading on bid writing in your context. This masterclass pulls together the skills and knowledge gained from over 25 years of successfully securing grants in the education sector and offers a cost-effective and accessible way of turbo charging your bid writing skills!

Event Information

Event Date 14-11-2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 24-09-2024 11:30 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price £195.00

We are no longer accepting registration for this event